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Covid And Pregnancy: Risks, Vaccines, And Remedies

The world has been fighting its battle against Covid for more than a year, the terrible virus that doesn’t seem to want to give us any respite. Between masks, colored zones, and distancing, we are all doing our best to try to get out of one of the darkest times of the 21st century. To date, the essential resource is vaccines which, albeit in fits and starts, have begun to circulate in our country, making it possible to immunize a large portion of the population.There is still a long way to go. However, it seems to see the light finally at the end of the tunnel. Many women have decided to have a child in this black period anyway, and this article is dedicated to them.

Covid Positive During Pregnancy

Women are globally less likely than men to contract Covid in a severe form and greater mortality risk. Statistics indicate that women of the fair sex who test positive for the disease are often asymptomatic and have faster recovery times than men. Pregnancy, however, is a separate case: the changes in the immune system it involves can exacerbate the possibility of contracting viral respiratory infections, including that from SARS-CoV-2.

Experts have shown that pregnant women do not appear to be at greater risk than non-pregnant women. Another good news concerns the fear of transmitting Covid to the child during childbirth: in this case, experts have shown that the vertical transmission of the virus is a relatively rare event. The doctors noted that children born to a cheerful mother did not show essential symptoms, asserting that the “neonatal positivity” condition does not arouse particular concern.

The Covid Vaccine In Pregnancy

The decision to vaccinate pregnant women or not has been a matter of debate for several months. After an individual evaluation, the scientific community does not seem to have reached a unanimous verdict, therefore deciding to inject the anti-Covid vaccine into pregnant women. Before voluntarily undergoing the vaccine, pregnant women should contact a trusted doctor/gynecologist to be subjected to an objective assessment of the relationship between risks and benefits.

The indications are collected in 7 key points:

1. women in advanced pregnancy or lactation were not included in the evaluation trials. Therefore, there are no secure or specific data relating to the categories above.

2. the studies conducted so far have not highlighted biological mechanisms that could associate the vaccine with side effects on pregnancy.

3. pregnant or breastfeeding women are not a priority target of the vaccination campaign (such as the frail or disabled).

4. recent studies have shown that pregnant women have a low risk of severe maternal outcomes.

5. the anti-Covid 19 vaccination should be considered if the future mother could, due to a previous medical condition, have severe consequences if she contracts the Coronavirus.

6. if a woman discovers that she is pregnant after injection of the vaccine, there is no evidence of a possible termination of the pregnancy.

7. if a woman discovers that she is pregnant between the first and second dose, she may decide to postpone the booster as long as her health conditions are stable and she is not at risk.

Natural Birth

Pregnant women who tested positive for Coronavirus do not undergo a cesarean section. Doctors must decide not to give birth naturally only in cases where it is the only way to protect the health of the mother and child. The use of epidural anesthesia is not contraindicated in the case of Covid infection; on the contrary, it should be recommended to reduce the use of total sedation if an emergency/emergency cesarean should be used.

Feeding Time

Covid 19 infection is not a contraindication to breastfeeding. No Sars-Cov-2 viral particles were found in breast milk taken from Coronavirus-positive women. From this, it follows that you can safely proceed in giving the breast to your baby while trying to protect yourself from direct contact. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid coughing and sneezing into the baby, wash their hands thoroughly before touching and expressing milk, and wear the surgical mask while feeding. Mother and child should only be separated if they present fever, cough, or dyspnoea (difficulty breathing).


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