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6 Incredible Benefits Of Millet

What Is Millet?

Millet seed looks like wheat semolina. It is grown in Africa and Asia. India remains the world’s largest producer of millet, which has been used as the staple food for humans or animal fodder for thousands of years. Millet has gained popularity in developed countries because it is gluten-free and can be eaten by even the most fragile stomachs. Let’s discover this tiny seed with incredible virtues that will offer you an excellent alternative to rice and pasta.

Nutritional Value

Millet belongs to the cereal family. Like rice, it is a starch that is high in carbohydrates. 100g of millet contains 378 calories. For comparison, white rice provides about 150 calories per 100g. 

  1. Protein: 11g
  2. Carbohydrates: 73g
  3. Lipids: 4.2 g
  4. Fibers: 8g

Millet is rich in phosphorus (28% of the recommended daily intake) and magnesium (28% of the RDA). It also contains calcium, making it the most concentrated seed of all cereals. It is also a good source of protein for athletes.

The Benefits Of Millet


Millet is an incredible option in contrast to any food variety that contains wheat, grain, or rye since it’s sans gluten. Celiac illness is an ongoing sickness of the digestive tract after ingesting gluten. It is available wherever in our food. Pasta, semolina, bread, pizza mixture, and morning cereals contain gluten. It is hard for individuals with this infection to change the wellsprings of starches. Millet, quinoa, and rice give an assortment in the eating routine of gluten-bigoted individuals. Look at the marks of milk parcels liberated from all hints of gluten.

Rich In Antioxidants

If you hate vegetables, this review from Cornell College ought to make you like millet. They have shown that it is a fantastic wellspring of cell reinforcements similar to vegetables and natural products. Millet is rich in polyphenols and catechins. These phytonutrients are available in a “free” structure in products of the soil, while they are in a “bound” design in millet seeds. However, when your stomach microbes have taken care of their business, their advantages are equivalent to the cell reinforcements tracked down in vegetables.

Type Two Diabetes

Millet is plentiful in magnesium, a mineral engaged with insulin emission. At the point when you eat carbs, your glucose level increases. Your body should deliver insulin to reestablish your glucose. The more you work this instrument or, on the other hand, on the off chance that it becomes flawed, the almost certain you are to foster kind two diabetes.

Heart Disease And Cancers

Millet contains lignans which have a place with the phytoestrogen family. They would safeguard the plant against other assaults. These lignans are matured in our digestive tract and lead to the creation of a substance that would assist with forestalling coronary illness and chemical ward diseases (bosom, prostate).


Millet is a decent wellspring of fiber. To completely get it, we should recognize dissolvable and insoluble filaments. When dissolvable filaments come into contact with fluids, they will become gooey. These strands will catch food deposits as they pass. They have a “purging” impact on our digestive tract. Dissolvable filaments will diminish the retention of cholesterol and dial back the absorption of sugars. They will consequently be sluggish in the expansion of glucose levels which permits better control of your glucose. Insoluble strands distinguish between retaining water and expanding the volume of stools. They speed up digestive travel to battle the obstruction.

Weight Loss

During an eating regimen, the most troublesome thing isn’t to be enticed by a sweet between feasts. To keep up with great satiety (the sensation of being eager) after dinner, you should consume fiber and protein. They are both present in significant amounts in millet. The filaments will dial back assimilation and will, like this, direct your hunger. By consuming fiber routinely, you will have better control of your weight. It is a highly complicated component that makes sense of why the retention of proteins prompts trades of anxious messages between the cerebrum and the stomach-related framework. The data is communicated to the nerve center, a locale of your cerebrum that controls craving. Does millet make you fat? It stays a starch, and it contains carbs that affect your glucose. It ought to be consumed sparingly if you are shedding pounds. By and by, it permits you to enhance your eating regimen with exceptionally fascinating supplements.

Is Millet Dangerous?

The nutrients in millet provide tremendous benefits to your body. Nevertheless, it contains phytic acid. Acid is often referred to as an anti-nutrient. It can limit the absorption of certain nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. As part of a balanced diet, there is no risk of deficiencies. Millet has been eaten for thousands of years as a staple food. It might show side effects only in case of extreme consumption. 

Millet is also a goitrogenic food, as it promotes the loss of iodine ingested by our body. Cauliflower, broccoli, and kale are also part of this family of foods that have adverse effects on the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency leads to abnormal gland growth and the appearance of a goiter in the throat. People with thyroid problems are advised against consuming too many goitrogenic foods. There is no danger for the rest of the population because the diet is often balanced in developed countries, and iodine intake is covered by table salt.  

How To Cook And Cook Millet?

The day before, it is possible to let it soak overnight to lower its phytic acid content.

First, weigh the amount of dry millet you want to eat. Then, you must rinse it carefully with clear water and remove all the small impurities. Be sure to drain the millet well after rinsing. To calculate the volume of water needed to cook millet, multiply the weight of the millet by 2.125. For instance : 

For 100g of millet —> 100g x 2.125 = 212.5 ml of water 

For 150g of millet —> 150g x 2.125 = 319 ml of water

For 200g of millet —> 200g x 2.125 = 425 ml of water

Pour the right amount of water into your pan and add a lid to prevent water loss when boiling. Once the water is boiling, pour a few spoonfuls of olive oil and the millet, then replace the cover without removing it for about 10 min. Cook over low heat; otherwise, the millet may burn at the bottom of the pan. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave to stand for 20 minutes, with the lid closed, until the millet continues to swell. Millet is an excellent alternative to rice and quinoa, and you will appreciate its virtues on your health, but it still lacks a little flavor if you eat it plain. We advise you to add a sauce or some vegetables for a better taste.


  1. Millet can be eaten for breakfast with almond milk flavored with vanilla. Like a rice pudding with some seasonal fruits. For the reasons we have seen above, it will allow you to last until noon without feeling hungry.
  2. Millet flour is ideal for making bread with a very dense crumb. It may be challenging to do it yourself, but you can find more and more of them in organic stores. Millet bread is an alternative to all bread that contains gluten for the intolerant.

Noon And Evening

  1. Millet accompanies your dishes very quickly. We cannot list all the possible recipes, but you can make delicious zucchini stuffed with millet or a lovely millet omelet.
  2. For vegetarians, millet makes delicious vegetable pancakes.

To Remember

Millet is a cereal comparable to rice and wheat, it contains carbohydrates primarily, but it is also a source of many other nutrients that have enormous benefits for our bodies. It is rich in magnesium, fiber, and phosphorus and contains an exciting part of proteins. It is gluten-free, so it should be very popular with people with celiac disease. For others, it allows you to vary your diet. It contains phytic acid like other plants but has little impact if the diet is balanced. Millet is eaten from morning to evening to delight young and old.


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