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Avocado: Properties, Nutritional Values, Calories

Wealthy in supplements and properties, yet in addition fats. Would avocado be able to be utilized in a low-calorie diet? What are its qualities and dietary benefits? How about we see it together! Avocado is an organic product wealthy in monounsaturated fats that can bring numerous medical advantages. Whenever devoured in sufficient amounts, it is additionally reasonable for a low-calorie diet. We should discover more!

What Is Avocado

Avocado is the product of the avocado tree, having a place with the Lauraceae family and mainly developed in tropical regions, like Mexico, Peru or Brazil. The organic product has the state of a pear, has green skin, which becomes more obscure and will in general become dark as the natural product ages and single enormous seed. Although it is a natural product, its organoleptic attributes and health benefits ​​are different from the new organic product we are utilized to. It is most usually used for flavorful arrangements and is principally viewed as a wellspring of fat.

Properties Of The Avocado

There are numerous properties of avocado, which make it a precious ally for our health. Here are some of them:

  1. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 
  2. It is rich in antioxidants and fibre.
  3. It features many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Benefits Of Avocado

Thanks to its nutritional properties, avocado’s health benefits are numerous. Here are some of them: 

  1. It is now known the correlation between avocado and cholesterol. In particular, avocado reduces cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, favouring the increase of HDL (good) cholesterol.
  2. Reduces the risk of cancer.
  3. It reduces the risk of developing Metabolic Syndrome, a disease characterized by the coexistence of several factors, including hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension.
  4. It promotes intestinal transit and improves blood sugar and fat levels.
  5. It reduces inflammation and, therefore, the risk of developing associated diseases. 

Calories And Nutritional Values ​​Of Avocado

100 g of avocado provide:

  1. 231 kcal
  2. Protein 4.4 g
  3. Fat 23 g
  4. Saturated fat 2.5 g
  5. Monounsaturated fatty acids 18.3 g
  6. Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.4 g
  7. Carbohydrates 1.8 g
  8. Sugars 1.8 g
  9. Fibres 3.3 g

How Many Calories Does A Whole Avocado Have

Considering that, on average, a whole avocado weighs about 300 g and that the edible part is equal to about 76% (therefore, about 230 g), the kcal of the entire avocado is about 530.

How Many Avocados Can You Eat Per Day?

Avocado is primarily a wellspring of fat and, in this way, can supplant or enhance a few fats from different food varieties, like additional virgin olive oil or nuts. Needing to take a standard part of additional virgin olive oil as a source of perspective, which is equivalent to around 10 ml (1 tablespoon), relates to a piece of about 50 g of avocado.

Role Of Avocado In The Diet 

Packed with good fats, antioxidants, fibre, minerals and vitamins, avocado is suitable for:

  1. Cardiovascular system ;
  2. nervous system ; 
  3. gastrointestinal system ;
  4. longevity.

The avocado in the diet should be considered mainly as a source of fat, which we remember must represent about 30% of the total daily caloric intake. Although avocado fats are good, they make it a highly energetic food, so don’t overdo it.

When To Avoid Eating Avocado

There are no known side effects of avocado. However, it can interfere with warfarin, an anticoagulant drug, increasing the risk of blood clotting. In the case of anticoagulant therapy, it is highly recommended to contact your doctor.

Contraindications Of Avocado

Avocado is generally safe for health and has no particular contraindications. However, in the case of anticoagulant therapy, dyslipidemia or critical health conditions, it is always good to consult your doctor.

How To Eat Avocado

Avocado eats raw pulp, which, creamy consistency, may be added either in slices within salads or bowls with cereals that spread on toasted bread, sandwiches, toast or tortillas.

Recipes With Avocado

There are many recipes with raw avocado. It is a very versatile fruit and especially suitable for the preparation of savoury dishes. The taste of avocado is quite sweet and very common in the combination of avocado and salmon, or it is often eaten together with eggs and nuts or oilseeds.

Although they are all healthy and nutritious foods, beware of fats and calories! All the foods mentioned are mainly a source of fat, and consuming them in a single meal can easily risk exceeding and ruining an excessively caloric dish. No problem if it happens occasionally, but opt for a more balanced recipe if you like to introduce avocado more often in your diet!  A popular avocado recipe is that of guacamole, used, for example, to make the classic avocado toast.

Guacamole Recipe


  1. One ripe avocado
  2. 1/2 onion
  3. juice of 1 lemon
  4. Salt and pepper to taste 


  1. Peel and cut a ripe avocado.
  2. Once the pulp is obtained, mash with a fork and mix it with half a finely chopped onion, a pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. Sprinkle the mixture with a tablespoon of EVO oil and use it to fill a bruschetta, toast, a sandwich, or to flavour a salad or the main fish course.


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