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Hormonal Hair Loss In Women

It is not uncommon for this due to a hormonal imbalance, which can impair hair growth, especially during menopause and after pregnancy. However, hair loss in women is still a taboo subject, which is why many sufferers choose the route of isolation. But there are numerous effective therapies. With the help of medicinal plants, phytohormones, a holistic hair loss concept, and the proper diet, hormonally induced hair loss can be favorably influenced.

Hormones Control The Hair Roots

Hormones are biochemical messenger substances that are produced by special cells. They perform many tasks in the human body and influence the duration of the hair cycle and the division activity of the hair follicles. In simple terms, the hair follicles and thus also the hair roots are controlled by hormones. While estrogens stimulate hair growth in women, reduced hormone production or increased male hormones can trigger hair loss.

Hair loss is not a disease. It is a symptom. Therefore, the focus should always be on the causes. Concerning hormonal hair loss, threatening growth rates have been recorded for around 20 years. Much attention is paid to this phenomenon in medical research. Possible co-causes include taking the contraceptive pill too early or too long or hormone residues in food and drinking water.

Hair Loss Is Also A Woman’s Business

Every woman goes through different life stages, influenced by hormones: menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and climacteric. Hormonal changes, therefore, also have direct effects on the hair. In women, hair loss occurs more frequently during puberty, after pregnancy, and during menopause. Suddenly stopping the contraceptive pill after years of taking it also leads to hormonal changes and can trigger hair loss.

Hair loss is still considered a man’s business. It is swept under the carpet that numerous women are also affected by this problem. The diffuse hair loss occurs in women even more frequently than men. Girls and young women between 16 and 20 can also suffer from diffuse hair loss. Sometimes after puberty, there is increased hair loss, which is triggered by hormone fluctuations.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the level of the chemical estrogen in the body expands, which invigorates hair development. Numerous ladies appreciate especially gleaming and solid hair in this period of life. It is even more hard to bear when the head of hair bids farewell after the birth.  The definitive factor is that the chemical level slips into the storm cellar. From about the eighth week after labor, the hormonal change can prompt expanded baldness- otherwise called pregnant ladies. 

This stage can last as long as a half year, after which the hair development, for the most part, gets back to business as usual. However, breastfeeding can likewise be related to going bald. The chemical prolactin, which adds to drain creation, abbreviates the hair development stage. In the wake of weaning, not with standing, the hair, as a rule, becomes back once more. Balding in ladies with PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is frequently analyzed as the reason for balding in ladies. 

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is perhaps the most widely recognized hormonal issue in ladies of childbearing age. Ladies influenced by balding experience the ill effects of the excessive creation of male sex chemicals. Notwithstanding balding, the side effects incorporate skin break-out, expanded body hair, and frequent childlessness. Traditional medication is treated here with a drug that can stifle the impacts of male chemicals or endorses the pill. 

Nonetheless, the primary referenced medication is additionally endorsed for hyper sexuality and feminization of male-to-female transgender people. These spaces of use further demonstrate the incidental effects not out of the ordinary: They were lessening in the sex drive, bosom development or a sensation of pressure in the bosoms, and muscle decrease. Opposite incidental effects are sluggishness, burdensome temperaments, issues with body weight, and changes in liver tissue. On account of PCOS.


Hair Loss During Menopause

During menopause, the hormonal composition in the female body changes fundamentally. If the contraceptive pill is discontinued at this stage of life, this effect is intensified. Since the estrogen involved in hair growth in women is no longer available in sufficient quantities during menopause, the hair growth phases are shortened. The hormonal change can also cause genetic hair loss to break out.

There are numerous hair-strengthening medicinal plants such as nettle, birch leaves, rosemary, ginger, or horsetail that can be used to promote hair growth. Hawthorn, horse chestnut, and evening primrose contain an estrogen-like substance (beta-sitosterol) that can stop hair loss during menopause. The medicinal plants can be drunk as tea or massaged into the scalp as a tincture or brew. In this way, blood circulation can be promoted, and hair growth stimulated. If the body is supplied with sufficient nutrients through nutrition, the hair roots are additionally strengthened.

Phytohormones For Hair Loss

Conventional medicine usually only offers hormone therapies for hormone-related hair loss. Those affected are often told too late that these are associated with several side effects and long-term effects. Long-term hormone therapies involve significant risks and lead to increased cancer and heart attack rates. But more and more women are thinking about old remedies and daring to think outside the box. Numerous plants contain active ingredients that positively affect the female hormonal system and thus hair growth – such as the beta-sitosterol mentioned above. These plant hormones are known as phytohormones.

Phytohormones have a similar regulating effect on the body as endogenous hormones. The most crucial hormone plants include yam, monk’s pepper, fenugreek, evening primrose, yarrow, lady’s mantle, red clover, passionflower, hops, and black cohosh. They can be prepared as a tea or tincture or used in capsule or extract form. Phytohormones are also used for menstrual cramps, in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and during menopause, without unnecessarily stressing the body.

Androgenic Hair Loss In Women

Various researchers have also reported links between excessive levels of sebum in the scalp and hair loss. Excessive amounts of sebum, which are often associated with the thinning of the hair, are attributed to systemic inflammation in the body and an enlargement of the sebum glands. The scientists think that this contributes to the formation of large amounts of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which leads to clogging of the pores and, as a result, to different inflammatory processes. Many different factors must be considered to eliminate (or at least alleviate) problems in the hair follicles due to inflammatory reactions.

Inhibit Androgenic Hormone Production

The first step is to stop the excessive production of androgenic hormones. For this purpose, the use of high-quality products made from the saw palmetto is recommended. The saw palmetto ensures that the cell membrane no longer absorbs large amounts of DHT. This serves to balance the hormonal balance. Other foods and nutrients that inhibit DHT include green tea extracts and so-called systemic enzymes.

Take Antioxidants

The second step is to replenish the intracellular antioxidant stores with high-quality antioxidants. Increasing the antioxidant concentration in the cells protects the scalp and the mitochondria (energy producers) in the follicle cells from oxidative stress. On the other hand, if there is only a low antioxidant level in the organism, the kinase C level increases.  This is a specific protein that accelerates the loss of hair follicles. The best ways to increase the number of antioxidants in the body include krill oil, astaxanthin, lutein, quercetin, resveratrol, grape seed extract ( OPC ), zeaxanthin, or the Aronia berry in the form of juice or powder.

Vitamin D And Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Cytokines act as molecular messengers that control various inflammatory processes. A particularly pro-inflammatory cytokine is TNF-a. If too large amounts of TNF-a are released through the sebum glands and hair follicles, further inflammation and hair loss occur quickly. Reasons for rising TNF-a levels include a vitamin D deficiency and an unfavorable ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the cells. Here, the vitamin D level should first be brought back into shape.

In addition, one supplies oneself with high-quality fats. Omega-6-rich fats/oils are avoided (sunflower oil, pumpkin seed oil, and safflower oil), neutral oils such as olive oil and coconut oil are chosen instead. For the omega-3 supply, you choose hemp oil and linseed oil or krill oil in capsules or the vegan DHA algae oil. Certain substances that can lower the TNF-a level or inhibit TNF-a are curcumin, Ginkgo Biloba extract, nettle extract, green tea extract, fish oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, and systemic enzymes.


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