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Obesity Dietary And Pharmacological Treatments

Obesity is much more than a personal aesthetic problem, as some people often perceive it. In fact, being overweight affects many aspects of our body, such as blood pressure, metabolism, and the functionality of the heart, liver, and other organs. Losing weight is, therefore, mainly a health factor to prevent even severe diseases.

The primary treatment for obesity is a low-calorie diet. By reducing the intake of food calories, there is a natural weight loss. Sometimes, however, a diet may not be sufficient, particularly in cases of severe obesity where the BMI (body mass index) exceeds 36 (second and third-degree obesity). In this case, it is possible to add therapies with slimming tablets for the obese. These must always be prescribed by a specialist and taken for limited periods, according to medical indications.

Obesity Cures: The First Therapy Is Diet

In any case, the diet for severe obesity remains the first form of treatment for losing weight. The low-calorie diet is always followed until the ideal weight is reached and also in conjunction with other types of obesity treatments, such as slimming pills, which we will talk about later. The diet for severe obesity is prescribed by a specialist, dietician, or nutritionist and must be followed precisely to obtain results that can be maintained in the long term. 

No, therefore, to do-it-yourself diets: even if you lose weight, the lack of some nutrients could cause imbalances that reflect on our state of health. The classic example is that of carbohydrates: in a do-it-yourself diet for the severely obese, bread, pasta, and rice are the first foods to be eliminated, believing that they are, wrongly, “responsible” for the kilos gained. Giving up carbohydrates is actually harmful to the body. 

The body obtains energy from carbohydrates, transforming them into glucose, which is immediately available for the energy metabolism of the cells. Suddenly removing carbohydrates is therefore not only wrong but also counterproductive. A good nutrition expert will know how to dose the right amount of carbohydrates to consume to lose weight without giving up an essential source of energy for the body.

Obesity Drugs

Are there any slimming pills for obese people? The answer is yes, but be careful: drugs for obesity are not to be confused with food supplements, which, thanks to the action of some vitamins, minerals, and medicinal plants, can increase the sense of satiety and contribute to the control of hunger and energy metabolism. The supplements can be purchased independently at the pharmacy, although we always recommend contacting your doctor to identify the best weight loss supplement suited to your specific needs. 

Obesity drugs, on the other hand, are natural medicines to be taken only and exclusively under medical prescription, after carrying out accurate blood tests, and always in conjunction with a well-controlled weight-loss diet. In fact, the prescription can only take place if the diet does not give sufficient results to prevent the onset of other diseases, such as diabetes, for which obesity is a very high-risk factor.

Obesity Treatments: Anorectic Drugs

Anorectic drugs are made up of molecules, generally derived from amphetamines, that act on the nervous system to reduce the feeling of hunger. This makes you less likely to eat, as you feel fuller than usual. Let us immediately clarify that in Italy, the use of anorectic drugs derived from amphetamines has been progressively banned. 

To date, all anorectic drugs on the market in the past, such as sibutramine, rimonabant, topiramate, etc., are no longer sold. This is because these are drugs with severe contraindications, used and authorized in the treatment of other pathologies such as epilepsy, panic attacks, and depression. In these cases, they are effective but cannot be used to encourage weight loss. To date, there are only three active ingredients that are part of the composition of slimming pills for obese people: 

  1. Orlistat reduces fat absorption and, consequently, weight gain. It is also sold without a prescription at dosages of 27 mg and 60 mg, while the highest dosage (120 mg) requires a repeatable medical prescription.
  2. Liraglutide increases the feeling of satiety and fullness by modulating the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. It can only be taken under the prescription of a doctor specializing in diabetology, endocrinology, or internal medicine.
  3. Naltrexone and bupropion: the combination of these two active ingredients increases calorie loss, reduces appetite, and makes it easier to follow a low-calorie diet.

This last point is fundamental: all weight-loss drugs must be accompanied by diet and physical activity. If you do not lose at least 5% of your initial weight within 4-6 weeks, your doctor will immediately stop taking you. The relationship with your doctor, therefore, becomes essential to managing weight loss accompanied by weight loss drugs.

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