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Licorice: What It Is, Nutritional Values, Contraindications 

The botanical name of licorice is Glycyrrhiza glabra, which means “sweet root.” The work of art “stick” is acquired from the plant’s underground root growth, to be held in the mouth and sucked to get all its sweet-smelling pleasantness. That, yet a concentrate is additionally gotten, which, handled and set, is changed into tasty chips or dark confections. Its refreshing and revitalizing properties have been known since old times. Licorice has various calming and expectorant properties. 

As well as its underlying foundations assist with battling stomach-related messes (dyspepsia), irritation of the respiratory framework, and skin illnesses. It additionally has purgative properties and is helpful for those experiencing low circulatory strain, while those experiencing hypertension should avoid it. In any case, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, licorice ought to be killed. During development, the section of hormonal substances to the baby could happen since the hypertensive impact of glycyrrhizin would hinder the typical channel capability performed by the placenta.

Licorice: What Is It

The plant from which licorice is gotten is a vegetable having a place with the Fabaceae family. In plant science, the species is known under Glycyrrhiza glabra L. This is the most popular type of the family, Glycyrrhiza. However, there are others to focus on. There are twenty species through and through.

Effects Of Licorice On Blood Pressure

Licorice raises blood pressure. What’s more, it is like this suggested for those with low circulatory strain. Be that as it may, those experiencing hypertension ought to direct their utilization. Despite numerous medical advantages, glycyrrhizin subordinates restrain a chemical that oxidizes cortisol into cortisone. This creates high blood cortisol levels, prompts a gentle type of apparent mineralocorticoid overabundance in the kidney, and increments foundational vascular opposition.

However, this peculiarity, extended over the long haul and connected with excessive utilization of licorice, makes a condition of hypernatremia (electrolyte aggravation described by a high grouping of sodium in the blood) and an absence of potassium in the blood with a resulting expansion in the volume of fluids, which they can cause dangerous severe complexities, particularly in patients previously experiencing cardiovascular illness. Also, late examinations have connected licorice admission and pulse, uncovering critical expansions in systolic circulatory strain (5.45 mmHg) and diastolic vibration (3.19/1.74 mmHg).

Licorice: Health Benefits

A few examinations have noticed various valuable impacts of licorice, some known because they have been given over from a famous millenary medication, others known yet with checked drug properties. Licorice compounds have exhibited mitigating, antiviral, hepatoprotective, and anti-ulcerative properties.

Cough, Cold And Intestinal Disorders

Flavonoids can restrain aggravation in the aviation routes of the respiratory framework, ending up astounding quieting of asthmatic peculiarities with an expectorant and pectolytic activity. Besides, the flavonoids of licorice usefully affect incendiary entrail messes.

Licorice: How To Use

Licorice Root To Fight Colds

5 to 15 grams per day, three times/day. To be taken after each meal in powder, infusion, or decoction (2 to 5 g in 150 ml of water).

Licorice Herbal Tea To Digest And Deflate The Belly


  1. 2 liters of water.
  2. ½ stick of licorice.
  3. Two tablespoons of organic dry lemongrass.


  1. Put the water to boil.
  2. Add the licorice and dried lemongrass.
  3. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain and pour into a water jug.

Licorice Powder Is A Natural Ingredient In Beauty

As a cosmetic ingredient, licorice powder is recognized for its properties:

  1. Soothing.
  2. Brighteners (gives luminosity to the skin).
  3. Antioxidants: excellent as an anti-wrinkle treatment.

It is indicated for skins:

  1. Ripe.
  2. With eczema and psoriasis.
  3. Atopic dermatitis.
  4. Sensitive skin.


  1. Licorice powder is a successful regular solution for halitosis.
  2. It gives a new and fragrant breath. With your toothbrush, blend a portion of a teaspoon of powder with your typical toothpaste in a bowl and clean your teeth cautiously. Flush.

Licorice: Nutritional Values

Substance examination of the root separately has most starches and carbs (D-glucose and sucrose) with an unobtrusive measure of fat and protein. Specifically, the arrangement is appealing because of the great substance of minerals and extremely valuable mixtures, particularly coumarins, triterpene saponins, sterols, and flavonoids. 

Flavanones, chalcones, isoflavones, and isoflavonoids are substances with cancer prevention agent action; some are answerable for the root’s yellow tone. The metabolites of glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhizic corrosive, and glabridin (an isoflavone, polyphenolic compound) can be viewed as the most agent “dynamic fixings” of the root, similar to those of the determined “drugs” successful in the treatment of different pathologies.

Licorice: Contraindications And Side Effects

As mentioned, you need to pay attention to the dosage of licorice you take to avoid possible side effects. In general, children and people over 55 should not take higher doses than recommended and for prolonged periods of time. An excess of glycyrrhizin could create an imbalance in the concentration of mineral salts in the blood. It could cause excessive water retention with a consequent temporary increase in blood pressure. Furthermore, licorice is not recommended for those suffering from hypokalemia and hypernatremia or those with severe renal insufficiency.

Also Read: Avocado Sandwich: Here Is The Recipes 


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