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What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Cauliflower?

Cauliflower is rich in properties confirmed by science and pays attention to some possible and essential side effects. The cauliflower is a vegetable rich in properties, but what happens to our bodies when we eat it regularly when it’s in season? Some scientific research has highlighted the advantages of this particular cruciferous and the possible problems it can generate in people with a more delicate intestine or who take certain drugs.

Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable with a delicate flavor that can be eaten, enriched with pasta or rice, become a soup, a purée, a base for “raw” pizza, and even gnocchi. Like broccoli and other vegetables of the cabbage family, it provides essential nutrients to our diet and, when in season, it is good to bring it often to the table. But what has scientific research discovered about cauliflower? There are several benefits for our health and some possible drawbacks that certain people may experience by consuming this vegetable.

Get A Great Dose Of Fiber

Cauliflower is high in fiber, ranging from 2 to 3 grams per serving. It may seem like a little, but in reality, 3 grams represents about 10% of the recommended daily fiber intake (28 grams per day) obtained from a small side dish. Fiber, as we know, is essential for overall health and can even aid in weight loss.

They contribute to a certain degree of satiety (just like protein), making you less likely to overeat. Not only does fiber help the gastrointestinal system, but it also helps reduce inflammation. Some studies have shown that these substances, present in fruits and vegetables, are also helpful in reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and more.

You Will Be More Hydrated

Cauliflower is very rich in water. We speak of 92% of its composition. This means that when you eat it, you are not only getting all of its nutrients, but you are also getting plenty of water and thus hydrating your body. But how much water is there? One serving of cauliflower (100 grams) offers us 59 milliliters of water. Using cauliflower as an ingredient, for example, in cereal recipes, adds a lot of nutritional value and helps your body digest the meal better, thanks to the water content.

You Could Cut Calories And Lose Weight

If we look at the nutritional value of cauliflower, we find that it is a low-calorie food. One serving contains about 25-30 compared to 2-3 grams of fiber and many vitamins and nutrients (vitamins A, C and K, potassium, folic acid and more). Adding this food as a side dish to a second dish and replacing other foods to make more room for cauliflower can be an excellent way to promote weight loss. Of course, those who want to lose weight will always have to combine an overall healthy diet and a good exercise program.

You May Feel Bloated

Cauliflower is delicious and nutritious, but as it is a crucifer, it also contains fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which means that this food is made up of short-chain carbohydrates that are not easily digested in the small intestine, leading to bloating.

Therefore, there is fermentation in the large intestine, causing bloating and gas formation, but studies have also linked this food to irritable bowel syndrome. Cooking cauliflower can make it more digestible. The cooking process breaks down some of those carbohydrates, and the intestines can work more efficiently, absorbing what it needs.

It May Interfere With Some Medications

Cauliflower is high in vitamin K, which can be a problem for those taking certain medications, especially blood thinners. Blood-thinning drugs can indeed interact with vitamin K, so people who take them are often warned by their doctors to be careful about consuming foods that contain this substance.

Vitamin K and anticoagulants work in practice against each other. Consequently, those taking this type of medication should limit the amount of cauliflower they eat. A cup of cauliflower contains about 20% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, and it is essential to consider this as part of your daily diet.


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