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Is It Better To Train Everyday Or Every Other Day?

Training every day has advantages from a psychological and neurological point of view, but there is the risk of overloading the muscle with work. So the optimal frequency for workouts depends above all on the intensity of the activities themselves because a greater power must correspond to a more significant rest period. However, a fundamental aspect is that concerning the type of activity, daily training is the practice for countless athletes, from swimmers to cyclists, passing through footballers, basketball players, and many other competitive athletes.

Suppose we want to give a precise definition of the term training. In that case, sports training is a complex educational pedagogical process that takes the form of the organization of repeated physical exercise in such quality,  quantity, and intensity as to produce progressively increasing loads in a continuous variation of their contents, to stimulate the body’s physiological super-compensation processes and improve the athlete’s physical, mental, technical and tactical abilities, to enhance and consolidate their performance in competition. Training is in itself a natural science and, as such, has its principles and rules.

At the basis of everything is our motivation to train. For example, the equation  “more sport = more weight loss”   is unfortunately not true. On the contrary, most of the time, it turns out to be just the opposite: in the face of continuous and exhausting training sessions, we will even end up with a few kg more. However, it must be said that not all people respond the same way to a particular training program, and time requirements and personal preferences can also make a difference. We can therefore approach the question in three different ways: 

Train All Muscles Every Day

In this approach, the exercise involves all muscle groups: arms, shoulders, back, abdomen, legs, etc.

  1. Advantages: faster progress, help to motivate
  2. Disadvantages: risk of not dosing forces well with consequent overexertion and possible injuries, especially if you don’t already have a training history behind you

Train Every Day But Alternating Between The Muscle Groups

This program requires you to divide the days of the week between the two macro groups of muscles. For example: on Monday, train the upper part of the body. On Tuesday, the lower leg, on Wednesday again top, and so on.

  1. Pros: You retain the psychological benefits of daily training and give your muscles more time to recover, as well as saving some time
  2. Cons: It will probably take longer to see improvements

Train All Muscles 2-3 Times A Week

This is the most suitable approach for most people, especially those who do not have much time to devote to physical activity.

  1. Advantages: requires less effort, not interfering too much with our habits, and is also suitable for those who are out of training
  2. Disadvantages: slower progress compared to other programs and the lesser commitment, even mental, risks leading us to neglect other aspects of our health

But if we want to evaluate a session according to two fundamental parameters, intensity and density, by intensity we mean the load (weight, speed, or distance) and by density, the relationship between effort and recovery. An exercise is intense when you lift a lot of weight, when it’s done very fast, or when you cover a considerable distance (cycling or running). An exercise is dense when the effort is followed by a very short recovery (if you chat in the gym between repetitions… you are not training densely). The duration, i.e., the adequate time. It is also essential for movement: the figure varies according to the objective and intensity of the session; greater power corresponds to less duration… So killing yourself with the sport for too long is useless.


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