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The Best Diet For Athletes To Eat

There are many myths and misconceptions about dieting. Let our experienced team show you how to find the best diet for you. The question of which diet produces the best results and whether there is the best diet is often asked. Does the diet’s success depend on the metabolism, or are diet products the all-purpose means to win the fight against stubborn fat deposits? We got to the bottom of this crucial question, which entails many more questions, to give you a comprehensive overview of the currently best diet method, in our opinion!

Roughly, one can differentiate between two different approaches to diets, which the bottom line usually boils down to. There are several differentiations within the diet forms, but the tendency is mostly in the direction of low-fat or low-carb diets! Low-fat diets are based on the assumption that fat makes “fat.” To prevent this, fats are eliminated from the diet as much as possible to achieve the desired results. The modern low-carb diets proceed quite differently. They even demonize carbohydrates by making them responsible for fat deposits.

We Are Looking For The Best Diet!

The bottom line is, therefore, the most important question is whether a low-carb diet or a low-fat diet leads to better results. In this case, one can almost make the unequivocal statement that low-carb diets do much better for various reasons. Several athletes cannot cope with this form of diet and do better with a low-fat diet. In general, however, the low-carb diet is, on the one hand, easier to stick to, and on the other hand, it is even more successful in terms of fat loss and the avoidance of the yo-yo effect!

How Do Low-Carb Diets Work?

A low-carb diet takes advantage of the fact that the body or the brain needs glucose (sugar) as fuel. The body can store between 400-600g of carbohydrates/sugar in the form of glycogen in muscle tissue and the liver. These stores are created for about two days, as the brain alone needs between 100-200g of carbohydrates per day. Suppose you start with a low-carb diet and consume less than 30 grams of carbohydrates per day. 

In that case, the body will face a dilemma on the third day at the latest, the brain urgently needs carbohydrates, but there are no more carbohydrates available due to the empty glycogen stores. Since the body had to survive evolutionarily, it naturally also has “emergency strategies” to stay. As soon as the body signals that it is no longer supplying new carbohydrates, he will first make your life hell to get to the coveted sugar. The first two days of the changeover were very hard. You have to reckon with performance lows, a bad mood, and massive cravings for sweets – your hard will is required here! 

From about the third day, the body realizes that it has no chance with this strategy and no more sugar. So that he still survives, he must now take the emergency measure mentioned above. Our pancreas can use the hormone glucagon to produce so-called ketone bodies from fat. These ketone bodies taste slightly sour, which can also be seen in a somewhat bad taste in the mouth. As soon as these ketone bodies are produced, the brain can use them as a kind of “replacement carbohydrate” for energy supply just as well as glucose. 

But since it is more economical for the body and naturally wants to store a lot for survival, it prefers to use carbohydrates! Exactly this circumstance is the effort for the body to produce the substitute carbohydrates we use for the diet because effort here equates to energy consumption! From the third day on, you can also expect a significant increase in performance, which in ancient times served to hunt better in times of need. 

From then on, your body will immediately draw large pieces of energy from the fat cells. Part of it is also obtained from the muscles. But nowadays, through hard training and, if necessary, a sophisticated protein-rich diet, muscle loss can be counteracted extremely well!

How Does A Low-Fat Diet Work?

The low-fat diet chooses exactly the opposite strategy. This in no way reduces the carbohydrates, but in return, the fats are massively reduced. This ancient form of diet aims to burn the stored fat through fewer calories and less fat intake. The bottom line is that low-fat diets are less effective, in our opinion. If you still want to go on a low-fat diet and should not be able to cope with the normal low-carb diets, then we will give you a few very important tips at this point so that the procedure can still work!

You must keep the protein content of the low-fat diet very high. In the past, many carbohydrates were consumed, but protein and fat intake were kept quite low. With this, you destroy your entire metabolism. We’re putting this so harshly at this point because it is an important fact. This is also the reason why most of these diets have a yo-yo effect. First, the metabolism is throttled by the low-calorie intake, and the muscles continue to break down due to the low protein intake!

Suppose you now consume less than 30 grams of fat per day, which happens very often there. In that case, the hormone metabolism does not even function properly, leading to a further reduction in metabolism and muscles. So if you are dependent on a low-fat diet because you cannot tolerate the low-carb diets, you should heed the above tips. You should also use whole-food products such as whole-grain bread, oat flakes, etc.!

The Big Disadvantages Of Low-Fat Diets!

The biggest disadvantage of low-fat diets is the constantly high insulin level, provoked by the added carbohydrates. This high level of insulin has massive aftereffects. As soon as insulin levels rise, fat burning slows down, which is very bad for the diet. Furthermore, the falling insulin level causes cravings and the associated bad mood if it is not breastfed. Overall, mood and appetite tend to struggle during the low-fat diet, while the low-carb diets are more playful!

Other Benefits Of Low Carb Diets

The benefits of low-carb diets are almost infinite.

Due to the high intake of protein and fat, your metabolism is also very well protected by hard training. The high protein intake also protects the muscles, which is essential during the diet phase since the muscles are the engine of metabolism.


We advise you to follow a low-carb diet. We have several low-carb diets on our sides, such as the anabolic diet and the metabolic diet. It is up to you which form of the low-carb diet you ultimately choose. Both forms are very effective and have their staunch supporters! If you decide to go for the low-fat diet, simply because you want to try it out or you cannot cope with the low-carb diet, then you are welcome to test it, taking into account the points mentioned above, even though we are from the low-carb diets Diets are far more enthusiastic. You can also find a sample plan for the low-fat diet in our nutrition section!

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