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Five Mistakes Not To Make When Taking A Shower

From using water that is too hot to never changing the sponge: discover the five mistakes that almost everyone makes in the shower. How often does it happen to you, after a good day at work or an intense workout, to dream only of the sensation of a regenerating shower? The minutes we spend in the shower are not just a simple way to provide for daily personal hygiene but an important moment of relaxation in which the body and mind can completely relax and recover their energy.

After a few moments under your home waterfall, you feel more toned and energized than ever. But have you ever stopped to think if you make a mistake in the shower or if you have habits that, instead of providing the body with relaxation and nourishment, harm your well-being and the health of your skin? Yes, because there are small pitfalls for your skin even in a moment as carefree and simple as a cold or hot shower, and most likely, you too have run into some unconscious mistake. How do you avoid them? Study this mini-guide to the five main mistakes not to make in the shower!

Using Water That Is Too Hot: The 1st Mistake When Taking A Shower

Using excessively hot water for showers and baths is one of the most incorrect and, at the same time, most common habits. A high temperature, although extremely pleasant, especially on cold winter days, can undermine the hydrolipidic barrier of your skin and remove its fundamental protective layer, making it more prone to irritation, dryness, and sensitivity to aggressive agents. Hair and scalp can also be affected by using too hot water. 

While the hair subjected to this treatment becomes particularly frizzy, the scalp can become irritated, itchy, and flaky. To avoid redness and dehydration. Therefore, always wash with warm water and avoid excesses: a small jet of fresh water at the end of the shower can also help energize the body and tone your cardiovascular system.

Taking Showers That Are Too Long Or Frequent

Another major mistake when taking a shower is spending too much time under the hot jet of the shower head: 5 minutes is more than enough, and it is still advisable not to exceed 10 minutes, even if you want to linger a little longer below. The water. Transcending these times can be challenging for the skin, easily becoming more dehydrated and fragile. The mistakes for shower and hair are practically the same: even the latter tend to get damaged and become duller, more fragile, or even greasier if exposed to frequent washing. Especially if you have particularly delicate hair, that’s fine. Could you not wash them more than twice a week?

Using Detergents Incorrectly

Errors in the shower related to detergents are divided into two categories: choice of products and quantity used. Learning about your skin type and needs can lead you to a targeted selection of the best shower gels for your shower rituals. The same goes for hair that needs shampoo, conditioner, and specific treatments based on its nature. Attention also to exfoliants which, although essential to ensure good cell turnover and allow the skin to breathe, should not be used too often. Then linger a few more minutes on the rinsing phase, removing all traces of cosmetics, soaps, conditioners, or other products from the skin.

Never Change The Sponge

The sponge is an essential ally for a good shower, but we must not forget to wash it regularly, if the material it is made of allows it, or replace it with a new one after a certain number of weeks. Otherwise, it becomes a den for germs, bacteria, and fungi and risks becoming dangerous for your skin. It is also very important to rinse it and let it dry thoroughly after each shower to prevent excess moisture from letting unwanted pathogens proliferate.

Do Not Apply A Moisturizer After A Shower

Immediately after the shower, the skin’s pores are dilated, and your epidermis is predisposed to absorb every nutrient better: the moment is perfect for applying your favorite moisturizers. Never neglect this step because it is one of the fundamental secrets for keeping skin smooth, protected, soft, and properly nourished at any time of the year. Vary the texture of your emollient cream according to the season, opting for lighter textures in summer and richer in winter, but include this good habit in your daily beauty routine.


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