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The 10 Properties Of Chia Seeds, Benefits, And Contraindications

Chia seeds come from Salvia Hispanica, which grows in Central and South America. Recently the seeds have been revalued and included in diets by nutritionists, following the spread of the vegan and macrobiotic food style. But is it a new trend, or do these seeds significantly benefit our bodies? 

The 10 Properties Of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are defined as superfoods and can be regularly consumed in a healthy and balanced diet. They have these important properties :

  1. Regarding nutritional values, they are an important source of calcium and omega-3 essential fatty acids: for each 100g portion of chia seeds, there are 177 milligrams of minerals, about 18% of the daily requirement. As for the omega 3s, in 100 grams of seeds, there are about 20 grams. Remember that the recommended daily amount of chia seeds is about 15g.
  2. They are rich in vitamin C, iron, and potassium: the vitamin C content is even seven times more than in oranges; In contrast, the potassium content is double that of bananas, and the iron is three times that of spinach, famous for being Popeye’s favorite food. Chia seeds are also a source of other important minerals for our diets, such as selenium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins A, E, and B6. And the nutrients don’t end there. There are also niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin, B vitamins. They are fiber-rich and help against problems such as constipation or irritable colon. They are classified as powerful antioxidants and effectively fight free radicals and cellular aging;
  3. Chia seeds also contain amino acids for forming proteins: methionine, cysteine ​​​​, and lysine. For this reason, the food can be useful for those who practice bodybuilding and are looking for explosive muscle mass. Also, it presents in greater quantities of antioxidants than blueberries;
  4. These particular seeds perform a very important function: they control the level of sugar in the blood, helping those who have diabetes, and they are also useful in keeping the cardiovascular system under control;
  5. They have a very low-calorie content: just 486 calories in 100 grams of the product. Nevertheless, they provide a strong immediate energy boost, ready and available for energy-intensive activities. For example, it is not wrong to eat about 15g before going to the gym ;
  6. Those suffering from high blood pressure can keep it regular and under control, thanks to the seeds, taken at least once a day;
  7. Those who have high cholesterol can try to lower it by eating chia seeds regularly;
  8. The seeds do not contain gluten. Therefore they can also be consumed by those with celiac disease;
  9. Chia seeds promote digestion ;
  10. They are useful for those who want to lose weight without great effort. They contain numerous nutrients concentrated in a small space and provide few calories. They also give a sense of satiety as inside our body, in contact with liquids, they form a real gel increasing in volume and giving inappetence;

The Contraindications Of Chia Seeds

There are no contraindications or warnings in consuming these seeds; it should be clarified that it is not good to abuse them, which applies to all foods. Particular attention must be paid to those suffering from arterial hypertension: chia seeds enhance medicines for hypertension. Furthermore, eating too many of them could lead to digestive problems.

Use Of Chia Seeds In The Kitchen, Chia Seed Recipes

How are chia seeds eaten? Chia seeds are crunchy and very small; they have a pleasant, neutral flavor. They can be eaten for breakfast in muesli or as a snack. They can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in risotto and legumes. Also excellent in smoothies, yogurt, and vegetable smoothies or as a decorative food on canapés and croutons, accompanied by cheeses and sauces. As for desserts, they can be added to the dough for puddings, plum cakes, and pies.

Also Read: What To Eat To Raise Blood Pressure


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