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White Dots: Why Are They Formed, And How Are They Eliminated?

White spots under the skin, more precisely known as closed comedones, are accumulations of keratin, bacteria, and excess sebum that appear in the areas where the sebaceous glands are most concentrated. Any part of the body can be subject to white spots, but in particular, the face, neck, shoulders, and back are the areas on which they occur most often. The accumulations of the substances we have just listed obstruct the hair follicles, causing a white subcutaneous swelling that tends to be soft to the touch, which, at times, can cause slight discomfort.

Whiteheads, Blackheads, And Acne: What’s The Difference?

These imperfections, although very different in appearance, are closely related to each other. The white points constitute a sort of the first stage of acne, and: when the excess material that is inside the follicle comes into contact with the air, the phenomenon that causes the oxidation of lipids and the displacement of cells rich in melanin, with the consequent darkening of “debris”: this is the reason why blackheads are also called open comedones. Subsequently, the blackhead may pour its contents inwards, causing skin inflammation and the consequent appearance of acne. However, this evolution can also not happen: a white point can remain, regressing without turning into a black issue.

Causes Of White Spots

It should be noted that white points should not be confused with the so-called millet grains, tiny cysts that form for different causes and which have a harder consistency than that of white points. The latter, as with blackheads, is caused by an excess of sebum, in turn, caused by an overactivity of the glands responsible for its production. 

This condition occurs in conjunction with hormonal changes, such as during puberty, pregnancy, the various phases of the menstrual cycle, and in the case of polycystic ovary syndrome. To these causes must be added those related to bad habits, such as the use of too aggressive cosmetic products, soaps, and detergents or the fact that make-up residues are not removed correctly.


To have smooth and flawless skin, it is essential to play in advance: only with the prevention do you avoid the appearance of minor imperfections such as white spots. First, it is necessary to adopt rigorous skin care, which involves using products formulated specifically for your skin type: those with oily skin cannot use the same products as those with dry skin.

Secondly, make-up must also be chosen carefully to prevent poor quality cosmetics from creating skin problems. Finally, a minimum of attention must be paid to cleansing the face: the skin of the face must be cleaned every morning and every evening and, weekly, subjected to peeling, masks, and exfoliating treatments to eliminate all dead cells.

How To Get Rid Of White Spots?

Whiteheads, as well as blackheads and pimples, should never be squeezed. Even if it seems the quickest solution to get rid of it, it is the most wrong: when we crush a white point, we leave that area “available” for the attack of bacteria that naturally lurk on the skin of the face, on the hands and, above all, underneath. The nails. This exposure could cause infections and even permanent scarring. After asking your doctor for an opinion, you can resort to using products for comedones that are applied directly to the skin to purify and exfoliate it delicately.


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